
Maybe Moon also cause the light pollution !?

Light pollution nowadays Light  pollution                          Light pollution is an unwanted consequence of outdoor lighting and includes such effects as skyglow, light trespass, and glare . One of the pollution we  unnoticed like noise pollution   After that  light pollution and what pollution next?   The Moon                 Maybe  moon cause the light pollution , the moonlight is  0.01  lux  to 0. 30  lux ( illuminance ) the clear sky  0.002 lux  this is very low number comparing to us  this is little amount    20  lux  to  500 lux, C omparing  with  the  sun it is  1/ 380000  lux   so the moon is not causing the light pollution in Earth .   The City Life                       According to the Sensex, all developed countries are not experienced the Milky way arm and the all-stars in the night, The  developing countries miss the beauty of nature. We not noticing the change   because  it is very slow  Village Life               In undeveloped place, villages, forest only sma

Some people are living in 4th dimension

Maybe some of the people living in a 4th dimension           Dimension                     The dimension gives a different view to all of us, in guess, there is more dimension we cannot understand so many dimensions we use to this to measure dimension the length, height, width, gravity, space, time etc.       0TH dimension    In this dimension, it has nothing  just a point   without any physical properties       1 st  dimension          The 1 st  dimension it having a length only it looks  like a  straight line   it does not have the other things you see in any direction view is a line.     2 nd  dimension    The 2 nd  dimension is having  length and width  only no height. It looks like a shape 2D object looks like a normal movie most of the movie in 2 dimenstion  only  not have depth.     3 rd  dimension    We all are living in the 3 rd  dimension it having  length, width and height  simply a  3D object  but not have complete detail about this dimension we are not  Fully explore the 3