Maybe Moon also cause the light pollution !?
Light pollution nowadays
Light pollution
Light pollution is an unwanted consequence of outdoor lighting and includes such effects as skyglow, light trespass, and glare. One of the pollution we unnoticed like noise pollution After that light pollution and what pollution next?
The Moon
Maybe moon cause the light pollution, the moonlight is 0.01 lux to 0.30 lux (illuminance) the clear sky 0.002 lux this is very low number comparing to us this is little amount 20 lux to 500 lux, Comparing with the sun it is 1/380000 lux so the moon is not causing the light pollution in Earth.
The City Life
According to the Sensex, all developed countries are not experienced the Milky way arm and the all-stars in the night, The developing countries miss the beauty of nature. We not noticing the change because it is very slowVillage Life
In undeveloped place, villages, forest only small amount place having less light pollution those people are experiencing the great sky in night throes people are so lucky but this luck is not permanent.
What If?
Suddenly all lights off ever night in all the cities for expires the night and the stars but the human eyes suddenly not reignited the stars it takes time days maybe weeks, the charge is only constant,.