The past is the future not a present,

In simple past is yesterday, future is tomorrow, present connect between both and present is an unstable thing it is changing every time now also changed it just a millisecond that’s it those are a simple example.

The past gives more impact on the future not in the present if you go to the past from the present and change the one small thing

For example like accidentally stepped on a plant But it was a very medicinal value it is the first plant ( a new breed for this world) after that you came from the past to present the plant don’t exist, the plant is mainly used for tuberculosis Within several weeks later human being affected by (TB) without a cure at that time more of the population is dead and only few will survival by bringing immune to it A single plant ends the human race.

The thing change in past is literally not affecting the present directly connected with the future, the future one day it becomes present but in present the next second is past, past affect the future this is a very complex chain reaction in this dimension like a butterfly effect.

So the past is the future, not a present, not think about the past you can’t change anything just enjoy the present because it is 🎁and face the future.

                  I write this at midnight so good night and sweet dreams


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