The Story Of A One Star "Luminous Blue Variable Star (PHL 293b)"

The Small Story Of A Big Star

Luminous Blue Variable Star (PHL 293b)

Luminous Blue Variable Stars (LBV STAR) it is the one type of star and this star is very rare, our sun is yellow dwarf type star. These stars are massive and emitting more light and more radiation in their lifetime and fast burring all fuel the minimum lifetime of the star year is 40000 years, Evolutionary phase between H-burning and Wolf Rayet Stars. The LBV type stars are high mass loss nearly its loss half of the mass in a stellar explosion of the star the temperature of the stars is
between 15000K to 20000K our sun temperature is 5778 K and LBV stars are mostly variable type also millions time brighter than our sun, and we're studying about these stars, The spectra are variable and burn fuel like other stars hydrogen to helium to iron and inner core becomes heavy the last stage of a star after that it becomes a supernova or hypernova depend on the mass of the star.

PHL 293b LBV

PHL 293b one of the LBV star it is present in dwarf Galaxy in (Kingman's dwarf galaxy) it is a small galaxy comparing to Milky Way galaxy and Andromeda Galaxy (it is the biggest galaxy we found) it is located at away from us 75 million light-years it is between 2.5 and 3.5 million times as bright then the Sun is also a Variable type star it can reduce the brightness sometimes and also more bright(it is one of the brightest stars in our earth we can see with our eyes).
easily define the star position
Now the PHL 293b LBV star is disappeared suddenly in 2020 like this happen before in between 2001and 2010 in that time we did not have the proper technology to sturdy about this star but now we study continually.
there are different type of star in space and also having different properties top left corner of the star

PHL293b LBV is disappeared

The massive one of the LBV star is mysteriously vanished on 30 June 2020 in that place without any traces a lot of scientists are got confused because like this big size star is not suddenly disappeared. First, we know about the stage of a star. after this, becomes supernova or planetary nebula 
our sun also a star (yellow draft )

The theories about the star

The 1st Theory
Most of the scientist theory says the star skip supernova process in our lifetime this is the first time is recorded in history and become blackhole or natron star after 5 to10 years we will know what happened to PHL 293b LBV?  

The 2nd theory
Some scientist theory is the PHL293b LBV star is ejecting(releasing) stellar winds or stellar explosion(in that time a lot of energy, radiation and heat is released from the Surface) it is common in all-stars including our sun (our sun also losses some amount mass in that time)
in LBV stars having some special this type of star sometimes loss it half of the mass for this stellar explosion after that thick clouds and dust are covered that star but it is not happening in a fraction of second if that happens we were noticed that Explosion we need to wait 4 to 7 years to know after those years it looks like a nebula we can see from the earth, we want to wait?

what if?
After those years we do not know about what happened  to that star it becomes a very big question mark in space science 


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